Monday, April 20, 2009

Feeding the Family

Monday's are notoriously bad at my house. Payroll Monday when the time clock has been down more than it's been up is just icing on the cake. Needless to say I don't feel like cooking on Monday night. Unfortunately, Monday is my husband's day off and he likes to eat. For some reason, my children think that one of the constitutional ammendments is the right to eat. Since we don't see each other much, and I spend a lot of time in meetings, my husband and I text each other .... alot.

Today's "What's for dinner?" text came while my assistant and I were taking a break..(actually we were sitting in my car beating our heads against the dashboard and counting the minutes until Monday was over). I grumbled something about a man who had lived on his own at some point in the past surely being able to throw "something" together so he and the children don't starve. When Melissa said, "We're eating at the concession stand at the ballpark." I live less than 2 blocks from said ballpark, but neither of my children play ball. This caused me to perk up. "And how often are there ball games this summer?" Said assistant is also a summer ball board member. You can only imagine my near giddiness when she replied, "Every night but Wednesday for the next 3 months."

Text Conversation:

Husband: What's for dinner?
Me: Eating at the concession stand at the ball park.
Husband: What????????????????????
Me: 4 real dude, every night but Wednesday for the next 3 months.

Dinner was excellent. 4 hamburgers, 3 hotdogs, 1 order of Nachos, a baked pretzel and snow cones all for < $15.00. Plus I got in a little walk with my family and the dog, and I'm doing my civic duty by supporting the local baseball teams. I was putting the condiments on my hotdog when Melissa tapped me on the shoulder.....she didn't think I was actually serious about "Ballpark Supper"thing. Serious HA, this is the best idea I've ever had.

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