Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Knitting Fairy and Middle Finger Waves.............

Note yesterday's post where I managed not to kill my darlin' lil boy when the one of only 2 size 1 circular needles was snapped during a quest for a hug (2 hours after said lil darlin' was supposed to be in bed. This was in large part due to the fact that my husband saved his life. He may have, in fact, physically sat on me while imploring the lil scamp to "run for your life".

Furthermore, I regret to inform you; that although I placed the broken needle under my pillow with a note and said "I believe in knitting fairies" 10 times out loud; I awoke this morning to have my hopes dashed. My needle was still broken and there was not even a reply to my note. I did hear my daughter tell the culprit responsible, "Now you've done it, you've finally made mom lose her last marble." To which he replied, "At least we won't have to bow to the stupid sock."

Needless to say, the morning wasn't starting off well. Work was, well..... work. I followed this up with parent-teacher conferences. I was pleasantly surprised when I didn't get lecture number 4 on the fact that my baby is not living up to his 7-year old academic potential. My hopes were starting to rise when I was informed that while he won't sit still and do his work, he is apparently skilled enough to sneak to the back of the bus and wave his middle fingers at the cars following the bus without getting caught by the bus driver. He was, however, ratted out by the second grade teacher who happened to be following the bus to school. The apology had been made and he appeared to be appropriately chastised. Then we went to the local cafe to get dinner..........................who should wait on us but.....you guessed it..... the second grade teacher who was the recipient of the middle finger wave.

I'm home, I'm going to make coffee and knit. I will not answer the phone or turn on the TV. I will prepare myself for the ridicule in the morning. I live in a town of just over 1500 people. Everyone I work with will be doing the one finger wave in the morning............................

That's what I love about living in a small town.

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