Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lazy evenings............

Everyone's home this evening from school and work. I looked around at 5:00 and everyone is down for a nap. This is just like the old days when I had time to myself when the kids were little. Even my husband is taking a nap. The coffee's done, the house is clean and I have a few uninterrupted minutes to knit and update the blog.

Work is going good. We are in the process of adding a geriatric psych unit to the hospital but it's coming together. I've got most of my positions filled and it looks like is starting to settle down. It's hard to believe that we've come this far in one year.

Off to work on my stricken pattern. Still waiting for the rural mail to deliver the new needle so I can finish the Gardner sock. Is anyone else having a problem with holes forming when you do the right and left leaning make one's on this pattern?

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